GIS Software

About Skyline Software Products

Skyline’s powerful tools allow users to create precise and visually rich 3D models from a range of sources, including standard 2D photos, satellite images, LiDAR surveying and existing map data. Different data sources can be merged with ease and Skyline’s tools have been designed for compatibility and support a wide range of formats, making them simple to use together with your existing software. It’s therefore easy to add your data sets to Skyline’s visualisation tools, leading to new insights and greatly enhanced prediction potential.

Skyline GIS software has a range of applications for particular industries. Examples include:

Agriculture: Monitor crop and landscape changes to plan upcoming work more efficiently

Mining: Analyze key terrain information to predict a project’s environmental impact

Disaster Relief: Update geospatial models with realtime information and easily share action plans with disaster responders

Transportation Planning: Model and compare multiple proposals, including shadow and line of sight prediction tools

Utilities: Easily model and move between multiple layers of utility infrastructure within one tool

Advice from Recon

Recon have delivered GIS software solutions on a wide range of industries and projects using the Skyline software suite, and we are excellently placed to advise you on the potential applications for your project. Skyline’s products are designed to be user-friendly, and we are happy to explain how each product works in detail and provide support with the initial setup.

Give Recon a call today to find out more about Skyline GIS software and the applications for your project.


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